Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Five Years and 200 Posts Later: A Celebration

Another major milestone for this blog: It is five years to the day since I first went online for Destination Cafe and began posting stories on coffee, tea and caffeine-related products. This post is also the 200th that I have written on the subject. 

As chance would have it, I attended a meeting yesterday at Destination Cafe. Most of the meeting was concerned with details of a house-keeping nature. But my boss Shirley H. did make a point of congratulating me on my achievement.

When I got home from the meeting, I checked my mail and discovered a large manila envelope in my mail box. Inside the envelope were a couple of pages congratulating me on my accomplishment and informing me that I had been cited an "Above and Beyond" award for accomplishing successes "above and beyond what is asked for in their day-to-day role." Superimposed over the letter was the image of a shooting star. Below the letter were to be found the signatures of the cafe's Day Manager, Rob D., and Shirley H.

Writing this blog over the years has been a real pleasure for me. It is satisfying to know that my posts will be read by people all over the world. There have been times when writing the blog has been one of the few creative outlets available to me. And don't get me wrong: Writing this blog is indeed a creative activity. If nothing else, the very act of coming up with an idea to write about is a creative one. 

You may ask me what it is about writing this blog that I most enjoy. For me it is the large degree of freedom I have in my job. I have the freedom to write anyway I choose; what is common to all of the posts is that they all feature caffeine in some shape or form. That is the common theme; beyond that, I am at liberty to write almost anything I choose so long as it is not unduly offensive or libelous. 

I have no idea what the next five years will bring, or whether or not there will be another 200 posts. All I know is that I am enjoying the journey that writing these posts provides to me. And I sincerely hope that you enjoy reading these posts as much as I enjoy writing them.

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