Friday, March 30, 2012

Feeling Good on a Friday Night

Having a quiet and very relaxing time listening to CBC Radio Two. Have just made some tea (Red Rose blend) and felt the sudden inclination to try and write something that I hope will be reasonably coherent.

That certainly is a good cup of tea. There is nothing quite like having something hot to drink on a cool Spring evening to spur the synapses to greater heights than before. One is able to write a little bit, then have a sip of tea and review what was just written. Not a bad way to occupy one's time!

As we are now embarking on uncharted territory (this post is the 201st I have written) it seems appropriate to discuss some possible new initiatives we here at the Cafe Chronicles are considering. Among the most interesting is the possibility that I will be handing over my blog writing role to someone else for one post. Someone from a Windsor company called Coffee Canada e-mailed me back in February with the proposal that he do a "guest blog". I am just now waiting for his final submission and I hope to include it on this web site soon.

Other new developments remain in the planning stages, but will undoubtedly include building on past strengths. Look for posts with more research behind them, as well as plenty of colour pieces. And always feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me with your ideas.

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