Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Destination Cafe Coffee Delivers Late Night Boost

Having a relatively busy day later on this morning, I have decided to throw caution to the winds and brew some coffee courtesy of Destination Cafe. I have quite the surfeit of it at the moment, thanks to an associate of mine named Su who passed some along to me after winning it in a raffle. The coffee is of course quite stale, having been roasted and ground last November. Nevertheless, I can't afford to be too fussy; a cup of stale Destination Cafe coffee is at least the equal of practically everything out there. Before you accuse me of hyperbole or irresponsible promotion of a product (see my last post), hear me out: Almost all coffee purchased by the average consumer falls into the category of stale coffee. Fresh coffee has a shelf-life of not much beyond a couple of weeks. After that, you can't expect much more than a second-rate experience.

Given this reality, I am quite enjoying the present brew which --  with the help of the French Press loaned to me by Destination Cafe -- I have just prepared. Granted, the overall taste experienced is masked by a liberal dose of milk and sugar, but the taste of stale Destination Cafe seems to possess little in the way of acidity or bitterness. 

What attracts you the most about drinking good coffee? For me, I like the combination of a good, bold, full-flavoured coffee and the undeniable jolt it provides for the body and mind. The fact that I tend to drink it late at night (A toast to the joys of working from home!) makes it even more of a treat.

Coffee in particular is ideal for those engaged in tasks like writing. How many of us who live by the written word would produce anything worthwhile without coffee to drive us forward? 
Coffee like nothing else seems to fuel those wild flights of fancy that make for some of the best reading/writing experiences. At least that is the way it seems to me tonight.

Just in case anyone besides me is counting, this is the 199th post for this blog. This month also happens to mark the five-year anniversary in which the Cafe Chronicler made the foray into cyber-space and began writing this blog. But more on that in my next post.  

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