Saturday, January 26, 2008

A (Slightly) Extended Visit to Starbucks

Having pulled yet another of my habitual all-nighters working on business manuals, my main writing gig these days, I decided to go for an early morning walk down to the commercial end of town. Between my advanced years and my inveterate smoking habit, I was breathing heavily by the time I got there.

Fortunately, there was a coffee shop open. Noticing a lone table and single chair outside the shop, I decided I would throw caution to the winds and have another smoke once I had bought my coffee. Going inside into the decidedly upscale interior, I stepped up to the counter and surveyed the menu. The servers behind the counter were friendly enough, considering the fact that it was early in the morning and on the weekend at that.

"What do you recommend?" I asked.

"Would you like something sweet?" the young woman asked.

I decided against making the obvious comeback. It was too early for verbal shenanigans. "Yes please," I said.

The server mentioned a kind of latte that sounded a bit over the top. I instead decided to go for one with cinnamon in it and whipped cream.

A few minutes later I had my "coffee," all for a price of just under $5.00, whereupon I headed back outside to Starbuck's "smoking area."

My presence outside on this brisk wintry morning drew a couple of friendly remarks from other customers on their way inside, not to mention some rather chilly looks from others, which I blithely ignored. The coffee was warm and spicy after all, and my spirits were high.

It so happened that just next door was a shoe store that was to open any minute. There I proceeded to purchase a pair of white running shoes and black loafers, which I paid for by credit card.

Now almost two hundred dollars poorer, I headed back to Starbucks.I was almost tempted to purchase another (cheaper) beverage before beginning the hike back home. But this time there were a number of people in line ahead of me. I settled for using their washroom instead.

All in all, it was a good way to end one day and begin another. Now if I only could find a way to cut down on my smoking....

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