Sunday, May 27, 2007

Jeff Taylor Works Hard to Make Cafe a Success

Jeff Taylor is the kind of guy you would like to have as back-up in bar fight.

He's been in his share of them too. He's modest about his win-loss record, though. "Some I've lost and some I've won," he has said when asked about the various violent altercations in which he has been involved.

Some people might think of Jeff Taylor as being a pretty scary dude, especially if those same people happen to get on his bad side. But Jeff can also be extremely kind and considerate. He will always go out of his way to give someone a hand if they need it.

Jeff also has an extremely strong work ethic. He approaches his work at Destination Cafe with a conscientious attitude, and seems to believe strongly in giving a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. That doesn't mean that he won't take a few moments to talk with staff or customers about anything that is on their minds, though. One of the main reasons why Destination Cafe is in business is to give people the chance to enjoy a coffee, latte or whatever and pass the time of day relaxing for awhile. Hey, life is too short to get all worked up over bills, deadlines, or whatever else happens to be on your mind.

Jeff recalls only one occasion since the cafe has opened that he has run into difficulties with a customer. The customer was in a confused state, making little sense and in danger of causing a problem for the cafe. But Jeff managed to send the disturbed man on his way without incident.

Jeff has worked in a variety of jobs, most of them physically demanding. He has been a construction worker, a bouncer in a bar and has worked for a moving company. But he believes that he has found his niche in Destination Cafe, where he works 50 hours a week as the Customer Care Manager.

Hard-working, reliable and responsible -- that's Jeff Taylor for you. A good man to have as back-up.

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