Friday, November 15, 2013

Survey Reveals Surprising Results About Drinking Coffee

Received an interesting email some weeks ago concerning a survey sponsored by Le Meridian Hotels. According to the survey, which was conducted on a world-wide basis, drinking coffee first thing in the morning is more popular than sex for more than half of the respondents. The survey went on to say that more than half of the respondents make their coffee right at home. 

What was even more surprising to me was the fact that 78 per cent, an "overwhelming majority," would rather do without sex with their spouse, alcohol or social media for a year than do without coffee, demonstrating, according to the press release, that coffee remains "the ultimate high."

The survey was conducted in six countries: the United States, India, China and the United Arab Emirates, among others, according to the press release, and dealt with travelers to these countries as well. The survey found that the majority of travelers also prefer coffee as a means to start their day.  Drinking coffee, according to the survey results, is even more popular when away from home than is the case when people are at home. Many coffee flavours and methods of preparing coffee are "so distinct that a majority of seasoned jet-setters (53 per cent) claim to to have experienced nostalgia for a destination due to the cup of coffee they enjoyed" while staying at that destination.

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