Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Various Thoughts on my Coffee and Tea Habit

As I have mentioned in previous posts,  when outside my home my consumption of coffee has lately been limited to a cup or two of coffee together with cream and sugar. At home I usually drink tea, or perhaps some pop (if I am in the mood) but even this has taken a back seat to plain, ordinary water, fresh from the tap. The reasons why I drink water in this manner are partly economical, partly environmental in origin. Buying bottled water is not something I am in the habit of doing most of the time, unless I am at the gym and require something to drink. Another reason I don't bother buying bottled water is that plastic does not easily decompose over time. Although some of these bottles are recycled, the system is still in its infancy and isn't very reliable, in my opinion. 

All this is related to my not-so-recent decision to quit smoking (I quit smoking October 23, 2012). For the past year or so, one of my central strategies has been to drink water from a tall glass using a straw. This remedy has been so successful I find myself with another "addiction." I am restless when I have no water by my side. I am also quite dependent on having an available bathroom nearby, it must be said, as I have to go almost every 15 minutes.

This practice of mine has already lead to some improvements. My blood pressure is such that I no longer require medicine to keep it in the normal range. 

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