Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Another Stellar French Press Experience

Had occasion to use the French Press again today. The fact that I am running low on Peruvian coffee gave me some concern, but I decided to throw caution to the winds and make another batch. The French Press that Destination Cafe lent me makes about two and a half cups of coffee (two and a half mugs, that is), so it really is something that can be enjoyed by at most two people at a time. Nevertheless, the coffee produced is so pleasurable that I am finding I am using less milk and sugar to mask the taste of the beverage.

The coffee itself is strong, but without the bitterness that is so frequently a part of the taste experience. It is interesting that so simple a device as a French Press can deliver great coffee at a cost that pays for itself over time. I will definitely have to shop around and see what I can acquire at a reasonable price.

I have also been very fortunate in that the coffee grind I have been using has not seeped into the coffee cup itself from which I am drinking. Evidently the metal filtre in the French Press is able to keep those nasty grounds where they belong: at the bottom of the Press.

The only immediate downside to all of this is that I had to purchase some more coffee today. The coffee I chose to buy was Nabob (none of that fancy fair trade, organic coffee for me, I'm sorry to say). Being on a rather strict budget, I need to purchase the commercially more competitive brands. I am not happy with this arrangement, but it's the best that I can do at the moment.

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