Friday, May 6, 2011

Is CBC Radio Host Also A Closet Coffee Trivia Buff?

It would seem that I have something in common with CBC Radio Two broadcaster Bob Mackowycz, the man who hosts the morning radio show Monday to Friday on 94.1 on the FM dial: We both like coffee trivia.

Lately Bob (that's him pictured above) has been sharing stories on coffee (and I believe tea as well) with his listeners. The latest one -- the one about "dancing goats" (to use Bob's phrase) eating coffee berries in ninth century Ethiopia -- should be already familiar to long-time readers of this blog. The other, first anecdote of Bob's about coffee had to do with the fact that Scandinavians are the world's heaviest coffee drinkers, with Norway topping the list. There was another related fact about tea drinkers that I can't quite recall (such are the perils of radio and its reliance on the spoken word, I guess).

Anyway, my morning is starting agreeably enough, what with some nice Nabob coffee to drink and lots of music on the radio. Next time I will tackle a more serious subject, one that I promised I would deal with several weeks ago: The question of caffeine addiction.

By the way, in case anyone is interested, this happens to be the 175th blog that I have written on this site. We are now already well into the fifth year of blog writing. We first took to these pages in March, 2007. I still don't consider myself an expert on coffee and coffee drinking, though. My own coffee habits are still quite plebeian in comparison to many other people. I am little more than a dilettante compared to even the average trained barista. So long as the coffee is not "burnt" or too watery I am content.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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