Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Little Goes A Long Way With Rockstar Drinks

Instead of writing on a serious subject like caffeine addiction, I thought I would shift gears this week and write about something that I like to drink once in a while, when I feel like something special, even a little bit exciting.

Day began in an ordinary sort of way: Woke up mid-morning and took my medication with my tea. With nothing especially to do today I turned on the radio to CBC Radio Two (94.1 on the FM dial) and began to relax on the couch. After an hour or so of this I decided to head over to the local convenience store, where I purchased milk, ice cream and a couple of cans of Rockstar. These drinks are notoriously high in caffeine content and feature ingredients such as taurine, ginseng, and even yerba mate!

Reading the can as I drank from it, I noted that one can per day was the recommended amount to be consumed. But I drank two, figuring that being the strapping six-footer that I was would compensate for the extra boost.

Indeed, as I write this, I feel no ill effects, other that an increased sense of mental alertness and physical energy. These drinks are more expensive than your run-of-the-mill can of pop, but one can tell from tasting that Rockstar has some high quality ingredients in it. Nevertheless, the product is almost three times the price of a regular pop, so I would recommend having this drink only once in a while.

I will do more research in the future to see if there are any red flags attached to this product. (So far all I have noticed is the heavy marketing efforts that surround the Rockstar brand, and little beyond that. But since I am one of those who have succumbed to Rockstar's marketing message, maybe I should examine that as well.)

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