Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Coffee Ritual At The Local Convenience Store

One habit of mine when it comes to drinking coffee has only been alluded to in passing within these blogs. That habit (or is it a ritual) consists of my almost daily visits to the local convenience store for a cup of Maxwell House-brewed coffee -- all for the low sum of $1.25 Cdn.

Sometimes (most of the time, actually) I will have two rapidly imbibed cups of coffee, complete with milk and sugar, and a couple of cigarettes. This habit of mine is among the most pleasant episodes of my day.

On pleasant days (like when there is no rain) I like to sit on a large rock located not far from where the convenience store stands. There are no benches in the area, so one has to make adjustments. I suppose I must make a rather odd figure: The sight of a middle-aged man with a beard seated upon a large white rock in the middle of the parking lot must draw some curious looks from time to time. I don't mind, for the most part. I enjoy watching the comings and goings of the car-bound as they drive up to the shopping plaza and run their errands. Sometimes I might strike up a conversation with a stranger or two, an occasion that breaks up what is often an unremarkable day. But quite simply, the chance to get out of my apartment for awhile (I work from home) is a worthwhile one.

The coffee itself is quite good. The machine from which it is made seems to be an efficient one, though I must admit to certain concerns when it comes to how often they clean it. But whatever; one can't afford to be too fussy in the real world of commerce. Not unless one has much more money than is the case with me.

Winter will no doubt put a considerable crimp in my daily routine. But then again there is always the possibility that I drink my coffee in the convenience store itself. I wouldn't be able to have my smoke with it, but I'm trying to cut down on smoking anyway.

In the meantime, I intend to savour the last few weeks of fall and outdoor coffee-drinking as much as I can until winter sets in and the snow begins to fly.

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