Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Coffee Association of Canada: An Introduction

A few days ago I received a note from an organization based in southern India that was looking for information about any support that might be available for small coffee growers producing organic coffee in the area. In my reply, I suggested that they contact the Coffee Association of Canada, which might be able to offer advice and/or leads. This got me to thinking that perhaps I should look a bit more into the association, its goals and its mandate.

Looking at their web site, I discovered that the CAC is very much an active force at present. According to their web pages, the CAC "exists to undertake a leadership and spokesperson role to effectively address coffee industry issues." The association is also responsible for a number of studies in keeping with its self-avowed educational role, some of which I may discuss in more detail in later blogs. The CAC also acts in advisory/advocacy roles, advising the government on such matters as product definitions and labelling, health policy related to caffeine and coffee, customs regulations and trade policy affecting coffee. The CAC also "maintains regular contact with other coffee associations to ensure that it is aware of global issues that may affect the Canadian industry."

I am not sure at present whether Destination Cafe, a relative newcomer to the industry (and the business that sponsors this blog), is a member of the CAC. I am quite sure however that if not it soon will be. I will definitely look into the matter and report on it at a later date. In the meantime, I intend to investigate the activities of the CAC further. Look for more information on the CAC in this blog soon.

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