Monday, September 24, 2007

Moving Day Followed by Evening at the Mandarin

The past couple of weeks have been hectic ones as I have been busy packing my belongings in preparation for a move that took place last Friday. What with sustained physical exertion and little sleep, I have been feeling somewhat morose of late, to the point where I have not been very good company to those around me. So it was that when I arrived with my brother at the local Chinese buffet restaurant for dinner on Saturday with the rest of immediate family and my aunt from Florida, I felt somewhat distracted, even a little harassed. Truth to tell, I think would have been happier spending the evening at home putting my home in order instead of sitting in a crowded restaurant eating too much for my own good....

The evening wore on. Everyone else seemed gay and carefree while I on the other hand was silently wishing I had not come at all. Finally, the elaborate meal was coming to a close. On a sudden inspiration, I asked the waiter for some coffee. By the second cup, my mood had lightened and I even began holding up my end of the conversation! Things were going so well I actually invited my mother, her sister and my siblings for more coffee and the opportunity to look over my new dwelling at their leisure!

Nothing like coffee to spur one on to new heights of achievement.

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