Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cafe's Breakfast Tea More Than Acceptable

Ever since I gave up smoking I have been drinking a great deal of water in a tall glass with a straw. I find this arrangement to be as close to the ideal as possible. The result is that I am drinking a good deal less tea, which used to be my preferred beverage while at home. Nevertheless, I still enjoy drinking the occasional cup of tea, which I prefer with the addition of a liberal dose of sugar and two per cent milk.

So it was when I found myself running low on Tetley's Orange Pekoe blend, I made a mental note reminding myself to pick up some more at the local convenience store. This is more expensive than going to a grocery store, but as I don't drive and the store is a fair distance away, it is the best strategy available to me. The only problem was that I happen to be low on cash. My solution to this quandary was to ransack my refrigerator in the hopes of finding some alternative. As it happens, I do have a number of tea blends that would do in a pinch, but nothing that struck my fancy.

Undaunted, I continued to burrow in my kitchen, looking for an acceptable alternative. And in due course I was rewarded by the sight of some English Breakfast tea that came from Destination Cafe, a blend that I have never tried before. So I proceeded to prepare my new found treasure in the normal fashion.

The result was more than satisfactory: The tea was delicious, a more than acceptable alternative to the usual brands.

It would be interesting to learn more about the origins of this tea. I need to make a mental note to learn more about this blend.    

1 comment:

Michelle said...

It is always amazing to me to see the vast variety of tea flavours. Earl Grey is still top choice. The type of leaves they use for the different types of tea flavours is quite fascinating. Thanks for posting.