Sunday, April 29, 2012

Friday's Anniversary Party One to Remember

April has turned out to be a busy month. What with my work as a part-time tutor as well as various assignments I have been occupying myself at Destination Cafe, there is very little time left for wool-gathering of any sort. That is probably a good thing, as idleness is not a desirable condition under most circumstances. 

Last Friday was a great way to end the week and the month. It was five years in April since Destination Cafe first officially opened its doors to the public. To honor the occasion, various dignitaries from Supportive Housing in Peel (SHIP), the Ontario provincial government and a representative from General Electric, one of the first companies to come through with a grant towards establishment of the cafe five years ago, honoured the cafe with their presence. All in all, the mood at the party was informal and upbeat. I hope to include some pictures of the event at a later date. 

The coffee at the event was of course superb. I concentrated on drinking the cafe's Signature Blend, the exact ingredients being a trade secret. I also had a small latte that was quite tasty. There were also some finger foods available, but I personally did not eat much. I find these sort of events to be non-conducive to eating. My nerves prevent eating from  occurring. But the coffee alone made going to the event worthwhile, and it was a great thing to see everyone from the cafe and SHIP. 

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