Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Meal at the Symposium Cafe Soothes Frayed Nerves

Somewhat of a hectic day today. Have been busy the last few weeks taking care of my tax return, as well as putting the finishing touches onto some paperwork I have to submit to a housing authority that provides rent-geared-to-income to those who (like me) need it. Had to wait ten years before I was finally accepted, so (needless to say) I want to stay on their good side. Have also been waiting for one of my doctors to okay a change in prescription that I prefer over the one he prescribed to me. Before you get the impression that I am the sort who thinks that he knows better than his doctor, let me say that both medications in question are essentially identical.

Also headed into northern Mississauga (Meadowvale, to be exact) to see another doctor for yet another prescription (ah, the joys of late middle age) that I am running out of. But there was a silver lining to all of this: I had telephoned my Mom the night before to see if she was available for a late lunch/early dinner at the local Symposium Cafe. She was available, so we met at the appointed time and proceeded to have a very agreeable time chatting about this and that while having a drink. After that we ordered lunch, followed by some of Symposium's well-known coffee. All in all, a nice way to end the day and take a break from what will be another busy day of paperwork and deadlines...

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