Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pizza and Pop an Unsettling Combination

Tonight was one of those evenings in which everything seemed great on the surface. I was with a very good friend whose company I enjoy very much and I was on a bit of holiday, not needing to be anywhere in particular until Sunday, when my mother was having a birthday dinner for my brother Perry.

So it was that my friend and I decided to order some pizza for the night, as well as some Pepsi to go with it. I am not much of a pop drinker for the most part, but every once in awhile I like to indulge. In spite of the fact that I had not eaten all day I was not very hungry, settling for only two slices of pizza and a couple of cans of Pepsi. But for some reason, the Pepsi did not affect me the way I expected. Perhaps it was the fact that it was relatively late at night. More likely, however, it was the combined effect of a lot of sugar and caffeine mixed together that left me with an uncomfortable feeling. They say that pizza is a surprisingly nourishing meal, but for some reason it did not strike me that way. I had downed a fair bit of tea and coffee already that day, so it is quite possible that I had reached my limit of caffeine on this occasion. I felt nervous and jumpy, and could not settle down to any extent.

I have another theory about my frayed nerves as well. Winter is already here for the most part here in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, and the opportunities for enjoying the outdoors are limited for me to short walks to the convenience store and excursions by bus to other destinations (I don't drive). As a result I feel rather like a can of pop myself -- one that has been vigorously shaken and is ready to explode. I really need to find a way to counter my sedentary lifestyle and let off some healthy steam once in a while.

A little less caffeine, sugar and fat and a little more fresh air and exercise is what I prescribe myself. Here's hoping I actually do something to bring that about....

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