Sunday, August 22, 2010

Shortage of Tea Leads to a Happy Ending

For the past several days (nights) I have been keeping very late hours. I have avoided leaving my apartment for the most part, only going to the local convenience store for a few items such as milk for my tea and coffee.

This doesn't mean that I have been socially isolated. Far from it, in point of fact. I have a couple of friends in the building in which I live. Both of these friends are relatively new additions to my life, and I enjoy their company very much.

I do most of the entertaining actually. This means that I often don't have time to attend to the myriad of tasks that having a home and professional life entail. It's very convenient to have friends that I can relax around and not worry about keeping the image up too much.

But sometimes being too available can lead to unfortunate situations, such as running out of tea. While I feel comfortable with my new friends, I don't feel comfortable with the idea of leaving them in my home while I run an errand.

But for now, all is well. My friend Joseph has just offered to bring me some tea from his home. He is back now and brought 20 or 25 tea bags. He also brought along his dog for a short visit, an English Bull dog that is very tractable and easy-going. All in all, a very nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Have a nice weekend, everyone!

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