Friday, July 23, 2010

Two Bite Brownies: A Delicious Chocolate Treat

As I have stated in an earlier blog, I regard chocolate as a kind of "miracle food" that is virtually without parallel in the modern world. It would be probably the perfect food were it not for the fact that it is highly fattening and contains a good deal of sugar to boot. At least this is the case for sweetened chocolate.

One of my personal favorite indulgences are the Two Bite Brownies that are often found gracing the shelves of your more upscale convenience and grocery stores. These delectable bite-sized morsels contain 90 calories of pure chocolate magic per piece. In the larger bags (which are the only ones that I will purchase, on economic principle alone) there are perhaps an even dozen brownies. This brand of brownies are perhaps the best of their kind on the market today. Rich and creamy, neither too dry nor too moist, they are complemented perfectly by a tall glass of milk.

On the back of the package there is listed the nutrition facts, which contain estimates of the total fat, cholesterol, protein and carbohydrates for two of the brownies (which are considered an average serving). But I have to be perfectly honest here: I have yet to stop at two brownies; I will often eat at least half the bag before I am completely sated, and I have even been known to pack away the entire bag in place of a meal.

Needless to say, this is one indulgence that I can have only once in awhile. But if you have never had the pleasure of eating these delicious tidbits, and you are neither allergic to chocolate nor any other of the ingredients or trace elements, then I highly recommend them as being a high quality food that is bound to appeal to your sweet tooth.

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