Friday, November 20, 2009

Cuban Coffee A Pleasant and Enjoyable Blend

Lately I have taken to drinking more coffee at home, especially in the evening. I am in the somewhat enviable position of having a freezer in which there are a few surprises. So it was that resting quietly in the rack was an unopened package of Cuban coffee by the name of Cubita.

A survey of the web revealed that the price for a 230 gram package of this brand ranged from $6.50 to $12.95 USD. The blend enjoys a positive reputation as being the perfect coffee to go with a fine Cuban cigar.

In spite of the fact that I used too much water making the brew, I found the drink to be extremely pleasant as well as stimulating. So inspired was I by the brew that I have taken the unprecedented step of posting two blogs in one day, the first time I have ever done so. So don't forget to take a look at the blog immediately before this one as well.

My only complaint -- if it can be called such -- is that I haven't enjoyed -- not recently, at least -- a fresh cup of freshly roasted and brewed coffee, such as what can be found at Destination Cafe. (I really should get down there at some point to have some).

In the meantime, I shall have to be content with enjoying some home-brewed coffee that is at least the equal of what can be found at most coffee shops.

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