Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tia Maria: A Potent Coffee-Flavoured Liqueur

This evening I thought it might be a good idea if we could discuss a liqueur that is closely related to Kahlua, a liqueur that I wrote about a number of months ago. The liqueur that I propose to write about is called Tia Maria, a coffee-flavoured drink that was made originally in Jamaica using Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee.

The main flavour ingredients are coffee beans, cane spirit, vanilla and sugar fermented to an alcoholic content of 26.5 per cent, subsequently reduced when sold to 20 per cent alcohol. The drink was invented by a Dr. Evans in Jamaica just after World War Two. Evans invited acquaintances from a country club in Kingston to try various formulas at his lab until the final version was accepted.

The Tia Maria brand was purchased in 2005 by industry giant Pernod Ricard through their Malibu-Kahlua International industry for distribution in France and the rest of the world. Tia Maria can be consumed with ice but is also frequently consumed in cocktails, with coffee or in desserts, such as the layered liqueur-whipped-cream-and-cookie confection known as the Tia Maria Torte. Tia Maria can be also mixed with milk and ice.

Other popular cocktails containing Tia Maria include the Terry, which combines Tia Maria with orange juice, and Jamaican Coffee, which features Tia Maria and Myer's Rum.

One famous drink that uses Tia Maria is known as the Black Russian, which includes one shot of Tia Maria, one shot of vodka and topped up with coco-cola. This drink is especially potent and should be drunk with extreme caution. I can personally remember drinking a Black Russian during one Christmas a number of years ago and getting a severe migraine afterward that lasted several days.

Used with care, however, Tia Maria is a delicious liqueur that can be enjoyed on any occasion.

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