Monday, September 7, 2009

The Many Qualities that Make for a Good Barista

In case you didn't know, a barista is someone that prepares your coffee for consumption. But what makes for a good barista? A survey of the Internet reveals that the answers are legion.

According to one barista who also happens to own two cafes, a good barista is someone who knows what their customers drink the moment they walk through the door. They know when the milk in the latte is at the appropriate temperature without having to use a thermometer. They know that beans that are good quality and freshly ground will make for an "amazing" cup of coffee. They know that light and air are the coffee beans' worst enemy. They know that cleaning your equipment at least twice a day will lead to a "good pull" and no build-up of coffee oils. They also know that a good to-go cup is constructed of paper but also has a textured Styrofoam outer layer to ensure a comfortable touch and a lid that fits tightly.

For others, a good barista is someone that prepares fine quality coffee promptly without a long wait. They are also people who have a good attitude, who are knowlegeable and who know what type of coffee you want even if the customer in question does not know the exact terminology to use.

Some people like witty banter from their baristas. Clever, amusing chit chat will fill up the barista's tip jar much faster according to these people than dull, routine conversation -- or worse yet, no conversation at all. Others however prefer a polite, no-nonsense individual that gets on with the task at hand and doesn't waste time trying to impress the customer with their fine sense of humour.

Many people are put off by baristas who are condescending and look down upon the customer. These baristas are the sort of people who take themselves too seriously and actually think they are doing the customer some sort of favour by serving them their coffee. For these people, baristas need to understand that customers are what it is all about. Baristas are after all working in the service industry; making the customer happy should be the prime directive of their job.

Finally, I would like to add my own opinion on what makes for a good barista. A good barista is someone who can assess within a few seconds what the customer really wants. He or she can weigh the various factors that make for a quality product and a satisfied customer. Such factors include price, taste, and time needed to prepare the beverage, while at the same time maintaining a polite and unhurried appearance. If a barista can achieve all these goals, in my opinion, then he or she can truly lay claim to the title.

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