Friday, May 15, 2009

One Hundred Posts and Counting: A Celebration

Today is an important milestone for this blog: This installment marks the 100th that I have written on the subject of coffee and Destination Cafe. The first blog was written on March 20th 2007, and discussed the opening of Destination Cafe for business.

You may ask which of the blogs represent my favorite writings. I have two, as a matter of fact, both of which were written early on. One was a profile on former Destination Cafe Day Manager Jeff Taylor, written on May 27, 2007. Jeff passed away earlier this year; he will be (and already is) missed very much.

The second blog was written earlier in the same month and year: May 6, 2007, to be exact. This blog was about a dinner and show that took place in a church basement. The blog was entitled "Dinner Cape Breton Style" and was written (as I recall) early in the morning on the weekend shortly after the event took place. Like the profile on Jeff, I thoroughly enjoyed the process of writing this blog.

Although I do in general very much enjoy the process of writing the blogs, I do face challenges. One of the most difficult of the challenges is simply the need to keep the blogs fresh and interesting. Having written 100 blogs, you can well imagine the difficulty in coming up with new ideas about coffee and coffee-related themes. For this reason, I am always open to new suggestions about what to write; if anyone has any new ideas, please let me know.

My own education on the subject of coffee has grown tremendously over the last couple of years, especially when it comes to my awareness of the taste and smell of good coffee. I am not a big fan of Tim Horton's coffee, for instance: I find it too weak and watery for my taste. Nevertheless, I am still no expert. If anything, writing on the subject of coffee has made me aware of how little I really do know about the subject. I also believe that the drinking of coffee remains very much a subjective experience, and that enjoying good coffee is something everyone can do if they so choose.

I hope you the reader has enjoyed reading these blogs as much as I have enjoyed writing them. May the next 100 blogs be as much fun an experience as the first have been. Happy coffee-drinking!

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