Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Coffee at a Local Jamiacan Restuarant: A Neighbourhood Moment

Yesterday I chanced to visit a local Jamaican restaurant located across the street from where I live. I happened to be in dire need of a coffee and a chance to be with people (I mostly tend to work from home). As the nearest coffee shop is located a bus ride away, I thought I would give this particular restaurant a try.

When I asked the waitress for a cup of coffee, I drew a few curious looks. I am not sure whether this was because my order was so negligible or whether it was because I happened to be the only white person present. Perhaps both were the reasons, or neither, I don't really know. Whatever the case, I felt vaguely relieved that I was permitted to sit down and and wait for my order to be brought to me.

The restaurant itself was simply furnished but clean. On the wall was a full colour picture of President Barack Obama with a quote from him to the effect that destiny does not make us, we make our destiny. I sat near the door, by the window, while the rest of the patrons where clustered near the kitchen further on inside.

When the coffee was brought to me, the waitress had very thoughtfully given me some cream for the drink, instead of milk. As this was the way I happen to prefer my coffee, I was suitably grateful.

The coffee itself unfortunately was not especially good. It was on the watery side, so much so that it seemed translucent to the eye. Nevertheless, I drank it without a qualm. It was enough that I had been given a chance to get out and mix and mingle with my neighbours for a little while.

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