Monday, February 23, 2009

Timothy's Presidential Blend Making Waves in Headlines

In coffee news last week, headlines were dominated by the announcement that Timothy's World Coffee has created a new blend of "presidential" coffee to welcome U.S. President Barack Obama to Canada during his visit to Parliament Hill last Thursday.

The coffee is being marketed as "Timothy's Presidential Blend No. 44" and includes the "finest" beans from Kenya, Hawaii and Sumatra -- countries that reflect the president's national heritage. Obama was born was born in Hawaii and spent some time in Indonesia as a child when his family lived there. His biological father was originally from Kenya.

George Michel, chief executive officer of Timothy's World Coffee,said in a news release last Wednesday that the specialty coffee company is celebrating the president by way of the new blend. "He brings a wonderful blend to the world's most important office, and we are paying tribute to that with a wonderful new blend of our own (that is) roasted to perfection in Canada," Michel said.

The new blend of coffee is now available at Timothy's World Coffee restaurants across Canada. Packages of the new coffee have been sent to the Prime Minister's Office in Ottawa as well as the White House in Washington, D.C. According to Timothy's marketing director Bob Huitema, the coffee contains a blend of Hawaiian Kona beans, Sumatra beans that have been picked to eliminate all defects and the highest grade of Kenyan beans. The beans are blended and then roasted at a facility in Toronto to what the company calls a "medium Viennese Roast."

According to the company's web site, Timothy's Coffees of the World is a pioneer in producing the highest standard of specialty coffees in North America and has been a family-run business for over 30 years. The demand for Timothy's coffee has resulted in the company's having served over 100 million cups of coffee in a variety of forms.

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