Tuesday, October 28, 2008

When One Extra Cup is Too Much

Last Sunday I attended a seminar on anxiety and depression (issues that I have struggled with for much of my life). Although the event had a relatively small turnout, the speaker was engaging and informative.

One of the things that I found particularly noteworthy was the gentleman's assessment of coffee. He referred to it as "liquid anxiety" -- obviously, he did not recommend its use for those suffering from this particular malady.

I took what he had to say seriously. I have indeed had occasion at times when I have found that drinking coffee caused me to feel anxious. There have been other times, however, when I have found coffee to be more of a mental stimulant -- by which I mean that coffee has aided me in my ability to work and to think. Tea also has this effect for me, though to a lesser degree. From this point of view, I think that coffee (and tea) provide a useful benefit for those times when one needs something with a little more of a "kick" than one would normally get. I also believe (although I have no hard scientific evidence to support this) that coffee and tea help one cope with depression, by providing a temporary "high" that one would not normally achieve.

To me there is definitely a trade-off involved in this situation. Anxiety and depression are two conflicting and competing impulses that are very difficult to treat when they are being experienced at the same time. When it comes to drinking caffeine, it is in my opinion (and that of many others) all about moderation. There comes a point in the consumption curve when the benefits of coffee and tea lessen and even become inimical as one drinks more.

In the end, it is all about taking responsibility for one's choices.

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