Monday, May 5, 2008

A Coffee Blog Anniversary

Today represents a milestone of sorts for this blog. I have written a total of 50 posts for this site: this one is the fifty-first. It has also been just over a year since I started publishing on the web.

In spite of the fact that I have been immersed in coffee and all things coffee for over a year now, it would be premature to say that I have become an expert in coffee. The subject of coffee is far too complex for that. Nor am I what may be called a coffee connoisseur. I can still drink most coffees without a qualm, the lone exception being the stuff that comes out of the large metal percolators. But I was never really a fan of that type of coffee anyway.

And if the reader were to test my knowledge of coffee by way of a taste test, I would no doubt fail abysmally. There is little chance that I could tell the difference between Peruvian and Columbian, say. And I have yet to get to the point where I am roasting my own coffee beans, which I am told is the best way to achieve a truly fresh coffee taste experience.

The fact is, I am still very much a coffee neophyte. Sure, I can tell you a little more coffee trivia than is the case with most people, and a little more of the history. But a head full of facts does not a coffee expert make.

And so the journey continues. Perhaps in another year and another 50 blogs the story will be quite different, who knows? In the meantime, I am enjoying the journey, and hope you the readers are too.

So here's to coffee in all its glorious diversity. May we all live to savor that "perfect" cup of coffee, whatever it might be, and be around to tell about it too.


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