Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Why Coffee is an Attractive Option for Most When Dating

When it comes to dating, meeting for coffee is the traditional way to discover if two people have anything in common, or whether there is enough chemistry to pursue the relationship any further. The reasons for this are relatively obvious.

One advantage to this time-tested arrangement is that meeting for coffee is an inexpensive way to spend time together for a short while in a safe and secure environment. Coffee also tends to be consumed more during the day, during a time when many people are out and about taking care of business. Coffee also provides one with the mental alertness necessary to be aware of and gauge the other person's character traits and mannerisms. The relative lack of formality in meeting for coffee is also an obvious advantage. It is both a casual and non-threatening method to connect with someone else.

Of course not everyone drinks coffee. But that is one of the advantages of asking someone to "meet for coffee." The invitation alone expresses the fact that you are interested in getting to know someone further but without the added pressure associated with going out for dinner or concert. The mere fact that you are asking someone out for coffee is an indication that you are interested in that person but communicates the message in a non-threatening way.

So the next time you meet someone you would like to get to know better, try asking him or her out for a coffee. It may be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

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