Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Christmas Coffee Experience

This evening I was invited to what has been an annual Christmas celebration on the part of the organization for which I work writing this blog, or rather the organization of which Destination Cafe is a part. I have always enjoyed the event; it gives me a chance to meet some old friends and acquaintances whom I don't get a chance to see during the rest of the year.

There must have been close to three hundred people attending this year. The atmosphere in the room was charged with anticipation. Everyone seemed in good spirits, ready for an evening of good food, music and dancing. After rubbing elbows with some of the higher echelon folk, as well as some more down to earth, we all settled down to a meal consisting of turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans and coffee.

After dinner, I was asked to dance by one of the more attractive young ladies present. Not one to refuse such an offer, I agreed to her request. Several dances later, I was hot and out of breath, having got more exercise in the last 15 minutes than I had all year. Returning to my table, I looked around for the coffee, which had been served while I was on the floor "tripping the light fantastic."

The coffee was nowhere to be found, however. Apparently the servers had only served the brew to those seated at their tables. Concealing my disappointment, I settled for catching my breath and surveying the scene around me.

Eventually I did manage to snag a cup of the coffee, which was hot and refreshing. My only complaint was that there appeared to be no second offerings. Evidently, it was to be only one cup to a customer.

Not wanting to bother the servers, I settled for a single cup, after which I headed out for some fresh air and a smoke. My feminine dance partner had by this time moved on, which I took philosophically. After all, when it came to a choice between coffee and an energetic rock and roll session on the dance floor with a woman half my age, the logical choice was (at least to me) obvious. Call me crazy if you like, but I've always tended to be one to choose the sedate comforts over the more energetic ones. Guess I must be getting old after all.

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